July 26, 2024

How to make your business premises more energy efficient

In the middle of the climate crisis, making your business premises more eco-friendly is an urgent matter. No matter your sector or specialism, adopting sustainable practices, technologies, and features is a certain way to future-proof your business.

Not sure where to start? We’ve outlined some of the most effective changes you can make to your business to start saving energy straight away. 

Why is energy efficiency so important for businesses?

It’s no secret that businesses have higher utility bills than the average household. Despite making up just 6% of non-domestic buildings, business premises over 1,000m² are responsible for 64% of electricity consumption and 72% of gas consumption.

Many entrepreneurs overlook the potential benefits of adopting energy-efficient technologies for heating and power. Reducing energy consumption is a critical step in reducing the environmental impact for both small and large corporations, no matter the approach.

With the right budget, reducing your corporate carbon footprint is simple. We’ve outlined a few of our top energy-saving tips for businesses below. 

How can I make my business more efficient?

  • Use quality insulation

According to the Energy Saving Trust, a quarter of all heat is lost through the roof of an uninsulated home. In a commercial building, the consequential heat loss could be even more severe. But with correctly installed loft and wall insulation, you can keep more heat inside.

When you’ve used energy to make heat, preserving it is part of your environmental responsibility. You can choose between various purpose-built materials, including expanding foam products like these to fill any cavities. Using the correct insulation and making sure you get it professionally installed could contribute to enhanced overall efficiency within your business. 

  • Install efficient lighting

No matter the type of business you operate, it’s highly likely that you rely on lights and bulbs. Without compromising on functionality for your employees, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re using energy efficient bulbs.

Using efficient bulbs is crucial, but businesses and teams should use lighting sensibly too. If continuous lighting is only needed in certain spaces, using motion sensor lights could help you cut back on your energy use. Likewise, relocating work areas without screens to well-lit areas will help your employees make use of natural sunlight.

  • Make your own electricity

Renewable energy is the future of sustainable trading. There are several ways to make your electricity, and the larger your site is, the more electricity you’ll be able to produce. 

Solar panels make a sensible choice for businesses and warehouses, as they rely on flat roof surfaces. If you have a south-facing roof onsite, this could make an excellent opportunity to create your own power. Make sure to check if there are any current government grants that could help bolster your environmental efforts.

  • Ensure thorough draughtproofing

Lastly, a significant proportion of the costs for business utilities can be reduced by preventing cold air from entering the building. To keep cold air out and warm air in, draughtproofing should be ensured throughout the premises. 

The larger the gaps, the larger the potential costs could be. Add to that the discomfort of your employees, and you could potentially create an unproductive working environment too. Make sure to identify the source of each draught and tackle the issue from there.

And if you need to ventilate by opening the windows, make sure to turn the thermostat down!

With just a few proactive steps, you can cut costs and protect the environment in the process. Make sure your employees are aware of the difference that just a few actions could make.

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