July 27, 2024

Important Things to Know Before Choosing a Server Builder 

Having a server is a very important component of a business, regardless of the product you sell, or services that you render. A server is a shared IT device where everyone in your business can get access to shared information and resources. Common uses of the system range from web and email hosting to central storage of vital information. In this modern business world, having a server is essential for a company’s growth.

Many businesses today rely on IT companies to host their server. These companies will help them keep their website and files accessible and secured. But if you do not want to hire a company to do this for your business, you can build your server.

To build this dedicated IT equipment, you would need the help of a server builder with the right experience and reputation. Setting up this equipment yourself can be a difficult task, so it’s wise to get an experienced hand to assist you with this. 

However, before you decide to build an in-house server rather than choose a hosting company, there are certain factors that you need to keep in mind. Let’s discuss them.

Factors to Consider Before Building Your Server

The following are some important things to keep in mind:

Know Your Budget

You need to determine your company’s budget. Whether you run a small business or you own a big company, having a budget is vital. If you don’t know how much you would spend on building this equipment, you will not have any success. 

It is best to keep the cost of different types of servers in mind. The rack type cost less than the blade types, but the latter is more cost-efficient. So, make sure you consider the ROI of any server you decide to buy. 

Know Your Needs

A server consists of different components like processing power, transfer speed, RAM, and storage capacity. These components play important roles. You need to know what you plan to use this equipment for before buying one. By determining your needs, you save money and time. 

For instance, if a company requires 24/7 uptime, it needs an IT system that is efficient and wouldn’t slow down performance. This also applies to websites that require streaming services. You will need a robust server that can deliver without interruption.

As stated earlier, there are different components that make up this IT system. So, how can you know the right one for your needs? Here are some components and specifications you should consider when choosing them:

  • RAM – If your company offers streaming or gaming services or its website must be accessible 24/7, go for specification from 16GB random access memory upward. 
  • Hard Drive – The hard drive stores important files on the system. The hard drive you go for must be 1 TB upwards especially if you have a lot of data to store.
  • Operating System – Go for an operating system that is new and popular among developers.
  • Internet Connection – This depends on what you would use your server for. If this IT system will be hosting a lot of traffic (from website visitors), you need to choose one that has high bandwidth.

Consider Maintenance

You need to understand how to maintain the server. You would need an IT support team to help you out with this maintenance. You also need to know how much this will cost you, so put maintenance costs in your budget. Maintenance covers both physical and cloud systems. If you would like to know how maintenance works, check here: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/ 

Custom or Prefab Built

Would you prefer a company to help you build the system or do you want a prefab type? Custom-built IT equipment allows you to select what you want and it guarantees quality performance. However, you would need a professional builder for this.

If you don’t have time for this, you can go for a preconfigured system that is ready-made to use. 

Consider the Security of the System

Cybersecurity is an important factor to keep in mind. You wouldn’t want to choose a server that doesn’t have security or is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Make sure you ask the provider of this equipment for the level of security it possesses. 

Know the Location of the Server

Would the system be built on-site or on the cloud or would you prefer a hybrid? Each type comes with its benefits and downsides. The on-site system will be built in your company’s location and needs consistent maintenance. Like every other hardware, this system has a limited lifespan. Cloud servers are more convenient because you can access them from any part of the world. Hybrid combines both on-site and cloud systems. To learn more about each of these and their benefits, read this article.


This IT equipment plays an important role in your business and for your customers. Ensure that you think carefully before buying and building this system. Bear the above-mentioned factors in mind when making a decision.

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